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CDP PvC Base Post-Deployment Configuration

Check and make necessary configurations to ensure that the CDP PvC Base cluster has been set up correctly prior to installing the CDP PvC Data Services on the Kubernetes platform.

Dependencies Check

  1. After the CDP PvC Base cluster has successfully been installed, the dependencies should be reflected in the each service’s configurations as shown below. Otherwise, please amend the configurations accordingly.

Ranger Configuration

  1. The external LDAP server is the centralized user authentication database that stores the user credentials with the associated group. This demo is connected to the Red Hat IPA. Navigate to base 1 > Ranger > Configurations. Configure Ranger with the necessary external LDAP server settings as shown in the following example. Click Save Changes.

    Source for Syncing User and Groupsorg.apache.ranger.ldapusersync.process.LdapUserGroupBuilder
    Ranger Usersync Unix Backendnss
    Usersync LDAP/AD URLldap://idm.cdpkvm.cldr
    Usersync Bind Useruid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
    Usersync Bind User Passwordpassword
    Usersync User Search Basecn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
    Usersync User Search Scopesub
    Usersync User Object Classperson
    Usersync User Search Filteruid=*
    Usersync User Name Attributeuid
    Usersync Referralfollow
    Usersync Username Case Conversionnone
    Usersync Groupname Case Conversionnone
    Usersync Enable User SearchRanger Usersync Default Group
    Usersync Group Search Basecn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
    Usersync Group Search Scopesub
    Usersync Group Object Classipausergroup
    Usersync Group Name Attributecn
    Usersync Group Member Attributemember
  2. Click the orange button. Click Restart Stale Services to take the changes into effect.

  3. Select Re-deploy client configuration and click Restart Now.

  4. The outcome should be successful as shown below.

LDAP User in Ranger

  1. After successful Ranger usersync’s integration with the external LDAP server, log in Ranger dashboard as admin user and check that the LDAP user(s) in LDAP server has successfully been synced and updated in Ranger.

Atlas Check

  1. After successful Ranger usersync’s integration with the external LDAP server, log in Atlas dashboard using the LDAP user credentials.

External Database SSL Certificate Import

The following steps are the mandatory to run prior to creating the ECS platform. This allows CDW to establish SSL connection with the external database using the database’s certificate inside the CM’s truststore.

  1. Retrieve the keystore password from one of the CDP Base master hosts.

     # cat /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-client.xml | grep ssl.client.truststore.password -A1
  2. Copy the SSL server.crt from the external database to CM host.

  3. In CM host, import the SSL enabled external database certificate into the CM’s truststore.

     # keytool -import -alias postgres -file /root/server.crt -storetype JKS -keystore /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks
     Enter keystore password: 

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