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Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) on Openshift

This article explains the steps to deploy the CDE service on the Openshift platform after successful configuration of the CDP PvC Data Services Management Console.

CDE Deployment

  1. At the CDE main portal, you may enable the CDE service. Click Enable CDE Service.

  2. Fill in the fields below and click Enable.

  3. Next, you may create a new virtual cluster. Click Create DE Cluster.

  4. Fill in the fields below and click Create.

  5. The virtual CDE cluster is now ready.

  6. Read the guidance in this link and create the self-signed certificate. Inject the certificate into the secret object of the CDE dex-base namespace.

     # ./ init-virtual-cluster -h 8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr -a

    Verify that the following secret have been created as a result of the previous step.

     # oc -n dex-base-vc4tzlpg get secret | grep tls
     tls-dex-app-8pzf9tsf                                        2      81m
     tls-dex-base                                                2      81m
  7. After the successful completion of the previous step, you may now access the AIRFLOW UI and the GRAFANA CHARTS.

CDE Artifacts inside Openshift Platform

# # oc get ns | head -1 ;oc get ns | grep dex
NAME                                               STATUS   AGE
dex-app-8pzf9tsf                                   Active   16m
dex-base-vc4tzlpg                                  Active   19m
# oc -n dex-base-vc4tzlpg get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cdp-cde-embedded-db-0                           1/1     Running   0          20m
dex-base-configs-manager-658c4454d6-hxkml       2/2     Running   0          20m
dex-base-dex-downloads-57cb854c5-59nc6          1/1     Running   0          20m
dex-base-grafana-7587c89fcd-945ln               1/1     Running   0          20m
dex-base-knox-7b5fb7c8d8-mfgkv                  1/1     Running   0          20m
dex-base-management-api-577887f9d4-n7cq5        1/1     Running   0          20m
dex-base-vc4tzlpg-controller-74747f7dfc-6sk87   1/1     Running   0          20m
fluentd-forwarder-8ddc9d9dc-hs7hc               1/1     Running   0          20m
# oc -n dex-base-vc4tzlpg get pvc
NAME               STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                  AGE
dex-base-db-pvc    Bound    pvc-d83f86c8-20bb-4105-b911-0e2d317e24e9   100Gi      RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   20m
dex-base-grafana   Bound    pvc-2bba6b28-d223-447c-a650-f730b86a27e0   10Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   20m
# oc -n dex-base-vc4tzlpg get ingress
NAME                     CLASS                          HOSTS                                                                                             ADDRESS                 PORTS     AGE
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api     <none>                         8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr                                                  apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80, 443   17m
dex-base-api             <none>                         service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr                                                   apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80, 443   20m
dex-base-dex-downloads   cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr,service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80        20m
dex-base-grafana         cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr                                                   apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80        20m
dex-base-knox            cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr                                                   apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80        20m
# oc -n dex-base-vc4tzlpg get route
NAME                           HOST/PORT                                          PATH               SERVICES                       PORT          TERMINATION     WILDCARD
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api-k8flj     8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   /                  dex-base-vc4tzlpg-controller   http          edge/Redirect   None
dex-base-api-whwcb             service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr    /                  dex-base-vc4tzlpg-controller   http          edge/Redirect   None
dex-base-dex-downloads-7hqxk   service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr    /downloads/?(.*)   dex-base-dex-downloads         http-port                     None
dex-base-dex-downloads-7qwth   service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr    /(favicon\.ico)    dex-base-dex-downloads         http-port                     None
dex-base-grafana-77zkn         service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr    /grafana           dex-base-grafana               service                       None
dex-base-knox-tz2md            service.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr    /gateway           dex-base-knox                  gatewayport                   None
# oc -n dex-app-8pzf9tsf get pods
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflow-scheduler-8546d5cdc7-gjcw9   1/1     Running   0          61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflow-web-799455574-v48mz          1/1     Running   1          61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflowapi-65954ddd9-6j2wm           2/2     Running   2          61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api-75bf5c675f-gklm8                 1/1     Running   0          61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-livy-7d464fb6d9-f988f                1/1     Running   0          61m
# oc -n dex-app-8pzf9tsf get pvc
NAME                             STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
airflow-dags                     Bound    pvc-b41d4416-9df4-4197-8e17-f9373f03a789   100Gi      RWX            nfs            61m
airflow-logs                     Bound    pvc-0b3c35d2-ea4e-4d89-8535-82ba1f8f0dfe   100Gi      RWX            nfs            61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-livystate-pvc   Bound    pvc-1a1fbaea-cbf7-4211-81e2-e783c1b19bc0   100Gi      RWX            nfs            61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-storage-pvc     Bound    pvc-6a74747e-8e88-41e2-a619-597c4f303eed   100Gi      RWX            nfs            61m
# oc -n dex-app-8pzf9tsf get ingress
NAME                           CLASS                          HOSTS                                              ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflow-web   cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80      61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api           cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80      61m
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-livy          cde-ingress-cluster-vc4tzlpg   8pzf9tsf.cde-vc4tzlpg.apps.apps.ocp4.cdpkvm.cldr   80      61m
# oc -n dex-app-8pzf9tsf get route
NAME                                 HOST/PORT            PATH          SERVICES                       PORT        TERMINATION   WILDCARD
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflow-web-6f9xg   HostAlreadyClaimed   /airflow      dex-app-8pzf9tsf-airflow-web   http-web                  None
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api-hgskh           HostAlreadyClaimed   /dex/?(.*)    dex-app-8pzf9tsf-api           api-port                  None
dex-app-8pzf9tsf-livy-6wvbf          HostAlreadyClaimed   /livy/?(.*)   dex-app-8pzf9tsf-livy          http-port                 None

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