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Data Services Console

This article explains the steps to configure the CDP PvC Data Services environment. This sets the stage for hosting CML, CDE and CDW services which will be explained in the subsequent subtopics.

LDAP User Setting

  1. In CM, navigate to Data Services. Click Open CDP Private Cloud Data Services.

  2. The system will redirect the browser to the Management Console landing page.

  3. Log in as the Local Administrator.

  4. Navigate to Administration > Authentication. The external LDAP server is the centralized user authentication database that stores the user credentials with the associated group. This demo is connected to the Red Hat IPA. Fill in the necessary external LDAP server fields as shown in the following example. Click Test Connection and check that the connection is successful. Click Save.

    Cross check with the output of the LDAP command as shown in the example below.

     #  ldapsearch  -H ldap://idm.cdpkvm.cldr:389 -D "uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr" -w 'rootroot' -b "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr" '(&(uid=ldapuser1))' | grep -v "#"
     dn: uid=ldapuser1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     displayName: ldapuser1 ldapuser1
     uid: ldapuser1
     krbCanonicalName: ldapuser1@CDPKVM.CLDR
     objectClass: top
     objectClass: person
     objectClass: organizationalperson
     objectClass: inetorgperson
     objectClass: inetuser
     objectClass: posixaccount
     objectClass: krbprincipalaux
     objectClass: krbticketpolicyaux
     objectClass: ipaobject
     objectClass: ipasshuser
     objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
     objectClass: mepOriginEntry
     loginShell: /bin/sh
     initials: ll
     gecos: ldapuser1 ldapuser1
     sn: ldapuser1
     homeDirectory: /home/ldapuser1
     mail: ldapuser1@cdpkvm.cldr
     krbPrincipalName: ldapuser1@CDPKVM.CLDR
     givenName: ldapuser1
     cn: ldapuser1 ldapuser1
     ipaUniqueID: 4a377c9c-d82b-11ec-995e-525400b4be20
     uidNumber: 371000021
     gidNumber: 371000021
     krbLastPwdChange: 20220520105515Z
     krbExtraData:: AAKTc4dia2FkbWluZEBDRFBLVk0uQ0xEUgA=
     mepManagedEntry: cn=ldapuser1,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     memberOf: cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     krbTicketFlags: 128
     krbLoginFailedCount: 0
     krbPasswordExpiration: 20220818105515Z
     #  ldapsearch  -H ldap://idm.cdpkvm.cldr:389 -D "uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr" -w 'rootroot' -b "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr" '(&(member=uid=ldapuser1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr))' | grep -v "#"
     dn: cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     objectClass: top
     objectClass: groupofnames
     objectClass: nestedgroup
     objectClass: ipausergroup
     objectClass: ipaobject
     description: Default group for all users
     cn: ipausers
     ipaUniqueID: 894cae12-bcd2-11ec-9ceb-525400b4be20
     member: uid=cmadmin-97fd6767,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     member: uid=ldapuser1,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
     member: uid=test,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=cdpkvm,dc=cldr
  5. Log out and log in using the LDAP user credential.

  6. The system is expected to prompt “You don’t have the access rights”.

  7. Log out and log in as the Local Administrator. Navigate to User Management. Click Update Roles next to the LDAP user.

  8. Select the roles for this LDAP user accordingly. Click Update Roles.

  9. Log out and log in as the LDAP user. This time, the LDAP user will get full access rights.

CDP Data Lake Environment

  1. Log in as the LDAP user. Navigate to Environments. There is only one environment which is the default environment created by the system upon successful installation of the ECS platform. Click Register Environment. Fill in the fields to create a data lake environment for the CDP Data Services to use.

  2. Click Manage Access of this newly created environment.

  3. Select the DL*, DE* and ML* roles for this LDAP user in this newly created environment accordingly. Click Update Roles.

Next Step

  • Create the CML service in this subtopic.
  • Create the CDW service (ECS) in this subtopic.
  • Create the CDW service (Openshift) in this subtopic.
  • Create the CDE service (ECS) in this subtopic.
  • Create the CDE service (Openshift) in this subtopic.

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