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CDP Data Services Control Plane on Openshift

This article describes the steps to deploy the CDP Data Services Control Plane on the Openshift platform. Please ensure that all the prerequisites have already been prepared accordingly.

Install CDP Data Services Control Plane on Openshift

  1. In Cloudera Manager portal, navigate to Data Services on the left panel and click Add CDP Private Cloud Containerized Cluster.

  2. Click here link.

  3. Select the 1.3.4 version and click Next.

  4. Select Use a custom Docker Repository (Recommended for production) option. Enter the fields based on the setup of the Docker registry in the Nexus server.

  5. Select Use existing databases (Recommended for production) option. Enter the fields based on the prerequisites highlighted in the Installation Prerequisites page.

  6. Select the kubeconfig file as highlighted in the Installation Prerequisites page. For Vault configuration, enter the fields based on the setup of the Hashicorp Vault. For Storage, enter the default block storageClass of the deployed OCS.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. The successful installation creates CDP PvC Control Plane on the Openshift platform as shown below.

Next Step

  • Proceed to configure CDP PvC Data Services in this topic.

CDP Data Services Control Plane Artifacts

[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc -n cdp get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cdp-release-alert-admin-service-957bfcb58-8wcr4                   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-classic-clusters-648cc99645-kr5j7                     3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-cluster-access-manager-69b56fc4db-shvwv               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-cluster-proxy-1.0.0-7cb6bfbbbd-zwzpr                  2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-cpx-liftie-6568b4669c-tcfwk                           2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dex-cp-598965f46c-dzg9z                               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dmx-55bbfd8cd9-wlqml                                  3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dps-gateway-1.0-5d58765b8-p5t5m                       3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dps-gateway-1.0-5d58765b8-scrh2                       3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dwx-server-76476fc4b5-7nb72                           2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dwx-ui-865f4998d7-ct5sq                               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-dwx-ui-865f4998d7-mn7cq                               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-grafana-54d8b7cf5-64nnm                               3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-logger-alert-receiver-f56f64dc8-4wpzh                 2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-metrics-server-exporter-65f65c54b-2bg7j               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-monitoring-app-6f6c9b8fb4-dkzdd                       2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-monitoring-metricproxy-b5f85766c-5js7j                2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-monitoring-metricproxy-b5f85766c-6j2dl                2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-monitoring-pvcservice-757bf9bdd4-rmrx4                2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-prometheus-alertmanager-0                             3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-prometheus-alertmanager-1                             3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-prometheus-kube-state-metrics-65c8fd786b-782w2        2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-prometheus-server-c66797d5f-gqlsx                     3/3     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-reloader-676bb9945c-pmjfb                             1/1     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-resource-pool-manager-67dbdfcdd8-6bg9f                2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-cdp-private-authentication-consoletp42g   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-cdp-private-commonconsole-7ffdf77d4qhnw   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-cdp-private-environments-console-5ggnpv   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-compute-api-6b795564fd-s9jj2              2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-consoleauthenticationcdp-8c765dd9725plv   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-de-api-688c9b6b7-4w5xn                    2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-environment-69b8cd49c5-t878p              2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-environments2-api-6767bdd568-59r8s        2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-iam-api-7565b47677-njsqt                  2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-iam-console-cdd6dd84f-cp98q               2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-kerberosmgmt-api-68cdd5b56-s7qzc          2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-ml-api-8f488bc95-jhq6k                    2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-resource-management-console-6f8dcfsb7nk   2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-sdx2-api-7476f74476-g7lr7                 2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-servicediscoverysimple-bdf5fb467-8whfw    2/2     Running   0          25h
cdp-release-thunderhead-usermanagement-private-5f494b96dd-vwbwp   2/2     Running   0          25h
dp-mlx-control-plane-app-5ff67bdf77-76t46                         2/2     Running   0          25h
dp-mlx-control-plane-app-health-poller-66fd654d9f-zwvtm           2/2     Running   0          25h
fluentd-aggregator-0                                              2/2     Running   0          25h
snmp-notifier-7498cc86bc-rk4g6                                    2/2     Running   0          25h
[root@ocpbastion ~]# oc -n cdp get pvc
NAME                                                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                  AGE
cdp-release-prometheus-server                          Bound    pvc-7aea8799-4f24-413e-a3e2-c49c396dbc56   10Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   25h
logs                                                   Bound    pvc-2a6dbf72-2bbe-424c-b8af-4c5e65904745   20Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   25h
storage-volume-cdp-release-prometheus-alertmanager-0   Bound    pvc-ddcad581-310b-4320-a234-13081c888f9c   2Gi        RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   25h
storage-volume-cdp-release-prometheus-alertmanager-1   Bound    pvc-39ff2e13-2df2-45ad-88b4-2cd666099842   2Gi        RWO            ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd   25h

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