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Vault Deployment

This article describes the steps to deploy the external Hashicorp Vault in the designated Vault server based on the guidelines published in this link.

  1. Install the following software package.
     # yum install -y yum-utils
  2. Add the repo.

     # yum-config-manager --add-repo
  3. Install the Vault.

     # yum -y install vault
  4. Create SSL certificate using the authorized (or self-signed) CA certificate. Example is shown below.

     # export DOMAIN=vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr
     # openssl req -x509 \
             -sha256 -days 356 \
             -nodes \
             -newkey rsa:2048 \
             -subj "/CN=${DOMAIN}/C=SG/L=Spore" \
             -keyout hashirootCA.key -out hashirootCA.crt 
     # openssl genrsa -out ${DOMAIN}.key 2048
     # cat > csr.conf <<EOF
     [ req ]
     default_bits = 2048
     prompt = no
     default_md = sha256
     req_extensions = req_ext
     distinguished_name = dn
     [ dn ]
     C = SG
     ST = Spore
     L = City
     CN = ${DOMAIN}
     [ req_ext ]
     subjectAltName = @alt_names
     [ alt_names ]
     DNS.1 = ${DOMAIN}
     IP.1 =
     IP.2 =
     # openssl req -new -key ${DOMAIN}.key -out ${DOMAIN}.csr -config csr.conf
  5. You should now have the following SSL certificates.

     # ls -l | grep crt
     -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1245 Jun 26 19:58 vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.crt
     -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1204 Jun 26 19:58 hashirootCA.crt
  6. Copy the certificates to /opt/vault/tls directory and change the permission.

     # cp vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.crt /opt/vault/tls/
     # cp hashirootCA.crt /opt/vault/tls/
     # chown root:root /opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.crt /opt/vault/tls/hashirootCA.crt
     # chmod 0644 /opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.crt /opt/vault/tls/hashirootCA.crt
     # cp vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.key /opt/vault/tls/
     # chown root:vault /opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.key
     # chmod 0640 /opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.key
  7. Backup the /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl file.

     # cp /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl-orig
  8. Edit the /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl file. In this demo, is the IP address of the Vault node.

     ui = true
     cluster_addr  = ""
     api_addr      = ""
     #mlock = true
     disable_mlock = true
     storage "file" {
     path = "/opt/vault/data"
     # HTTPS listener
     listener "tcp" {
     address       = ""
     tls_cert_file = "/opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.crt"
     tls_key_file  = "/opt/vault/tls/vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr.key"
     tls_client_ca_file = "/opt/vault/tls/hashirootCA.crt"
  9. Enable and start the Vault service.

     # systemctl enable vault.service
     # systemctl start vault.service
  10. Check that port 8200 is up and running.

    # netstat -an | grep 8200
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN   
  11. Check the status of the Vault. You might encounter the following errors and if yes, proceed with the following procedures to fix the errors.

    # vault status
    Error checking seal status: Get "": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs
    # export VAULT_ADDR=https://vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr:8200
    # vault status
    Error checking seal status: Get "https://vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr:8200/v1/sys/seal-status": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    # cp hashirootCA.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
    # update-ca-trust extract
    # vault status
    Key                Value
    ---                -----
    Seal Type          shamir
    Initialized        false
    Sealed             true
    Total Shares       0
    Threshold          0
    Unseal Progress    0/0
    Unseal Nonce       n/a
    Version            1.11.0
    Build Date         2022-06-17T15:48:44Z
    Storage Type       file
    HA Enabled         false
  12. Initialize the Vault operator. Jot down the produced root token and its associated Unseal key to unseal the Vault when needed.

    # vault operator init
  13. You may now log in to the SSL-enabled Vault portal https://vaultnode.cdpkvm.cldr:8200.

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