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Running Python code on the Kubernetes pod could only utilize the available/allocated CPU and memory resources in the hosting node/host. Thanks to Ray, you may run machine learning Python code in a distributed computing environment. Let’s find out the procedure to do so in Cloudera Machine Learning (CML) on Kubernetes platform powered by Openshift 4.8.

  1. Create a CML workbench session with 2 CPU/8 GiB memory and 1 GPU profile.

  2. Open a Terminal Access box of the CML session and install the necessary Python modules.

     pip3 install pandas ray[tune] tensorboard gpustat aiohttp aiohttp_cors pydantic opencensus async_timeout
  3. Start the Ray process in the background.

     ray start --head --block --include-dashboard=true --dashboard-port=8090 --num-gpus=1 &
  4. Run the following code in the CML session.

     import os
     import cdsw
     import ray
     import time
     DASHBOARD_PORT = os.environ['CDSW_APP_PORT']
     DASHBOARD_IP = os.environ['CDSW_IP_ADDRESS']
     ray_head_addr = DASHBOARD_IP + ':6379'
     ray_url = f"ray://{DASHBOARD_IP}:10001" 
     worker_start_cmd = f"!ray start --block --address={ray_head_addr}"
     ray_workers = cdsw.launch_workers(
     ray_worker_details = cdsw.await_workers(
  5. In the Openshift dashboard, find out the URL of the created route (port=app) for this CML session pod. Open the browser and navigate to that URL. You will be able to see Ray dashboard. Note that there are 3 worker pods and one of them is equipped with GPU card as selected when provisioning the CML session pod.

  6. By right, each worker pod should be scheduled on different node based on anti-affinity rule to prevent resource contention between the Ray workers (Kubernetes pods) in the event they are hosted on the same node. This feature, however, is not available as of time of writing.

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